Story Time

Spring Storytime

Spring Storytime will return March 10th -April 23rd

There will be no Storytime March 17th-19th


We’d like to share with you our favorite songs & fingerplays.

Hello Hello                

Clap Your Hands     

One Little Finger     

Going on a Bear Hunt

Go Bananas              

Walking in the Jungle

Shark Song                

Dino Stop                  

Old Town Folk Music (I like their Row Row Row, If Your Happy and You Know it, Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, If all of the Raindrops, Old McDonald, This Old Man)

Bread and Butter (Hello/Goodbye) Anything by Jbrary! Rolly Polly too.

Bye Bye Good Bye 

One From the Left 

Five Red Apples      

Five Spreckled Frogs

Penguin Dance        

5 Little Penguins (favorite!)

5 Little Ducks (We don’t use this music, we sing it but these are basically the moves we do…but we wave for “far away”)

Going on a Dragon Hunt (Yoga)

Call for current dates & times

Early Literacy Classes teaching social skills, listening comprehension and the foundations of reading through letters, numbers, colors and vocabulary.

Story Times are broken up into sessions throughout the year.  Click here for pictures of a typical story time lesson.


Two’s Time

  • For children 2 years old
  • Monday 10:30 am & Tuesday 9:30 am
  • Registration is not required

This early literacy program is especially designed for two-year-olds. Fun activities include rhymes, songs, puppets, action activities and stories. The 20-minute program is followed by coloring and activity sheets.

Preschool Story Times

  • For children ages 3 – 5
  • Tuesday & Wednesday at 10:30am
  • Registration is not required

Preschoolers can exercise their imaginations and get ready for reading with fun rhymes, songs, puppets, movement activities and stories. The 25 minute program is followed by a craft time that coordinates with the weekly theme.

Baby & Me

  • For ages 0-18 months
  • Wednesday at 9:30 am
  • Registration is not required

Events for Kids


Young Masters Art Show

Celebrate the creativity of young artists from Andover elementary schools! This special exhibition showcases a variety of student artwork,

Join The Event


Spring Storytime

March 10th thru April 23rd Twos Time age: 2 yrs Mondays @ 10:30 Tuesdays @ 9:30 Preschool Age: 3-5 yrs Join The Event


Adaptive Art Workshop: Floral Bouquet Painting

Join us for a fun and engaging hands-on session! Explore creative expression with adaptive art tools designed for all abilities. Monday

Join The Event

APL Digital Downloads

Check out digital audiobooks, ebooks, video, and music using your Andover Library card. Browse and search hundreds of great titles and download them to your computer, transfer them to a portable device, or burn onto a CD for your reading and listening pleasure anywhere, anytime.

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