You ever notice how many covers look alike? Or maybe you can’t remember the book you read but you remember the basic details of the cover. We’re showcasing cover lookalikes every other week with a different trend each time. Today’s cover collection is titled “Let’s Sit Together (But Not Really)” and it’s another rom-com cover trend. If you can’t remember the book, but it had cartoon style couple almost sitting together, this is a list for you!

The takeover/ Kiss her once for me/The rom-com agenda/ One night with you/ A brush with love /Book lovers /Circling back to you / Just my type/ Eight dates and nights/Would like to meet / Mistakes were made/ Last Call at the Local/ Didn’t see that coming/Would you rather
A Cuban girl’s guide to tea and tomorrow/ Best served hot/ A ghost in shining armor / Mad about you / Out of his league/ The plus one/Love at first spite/ Meet me in the margins / The love wager/ The donut trap/ The godparent trap / The singles table/ Very sincerely yours/ Fake Dates and Mooncakes