Position : Director
1. When did you start at APL? November of 2013
2. What’s your favorite thing about APL? It’s an exciting opportunity for me because this is a fantastic institution.
3. What is your favorite book and why? That’s a tough question. Who has just one? I suppose it depends on when you ask. Right now, it’s Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis. I first read that as a college student in Greece so it has personal meaning to me.
4. Do you have any other book or author recommendations? For a living author, I recommend Neil Gaiman. he has a wonderful, vivid imagination, rooted in literature and folklore. Otherwise, I recommend Fyodor Dostoevsky, for the great dialogue and the cerebral nature of his works.
5. Do you have any hobbies (besides reading)? I enjoy following certain sports. I like IndyCar racing and I’m a big Kansas City Chiefs fan. I also enjoy college sports (though I won’t say which teams… yet). And I have two young boys, so they take up most of my time.
6. If you weren’t a librarian, what would you be? Definitely a teacher. History, at the middle school or high school level.
7. What’s your favorite food? Coconut. I like coconut anything: coconut treats, coconut desserts, coconut water… I cook with coconut oil. I love coconut.
8. How did you end up in the library field? My mom was the librarian at McPherson College, so I grew up around libraries, using libraries, but it still never occurred to me that I might go into the library field. Then, in grad school for history, I realized I enjoyed the research and the teaching, but I hated the writing. That eventually led to reference librarianship. Then I got a job at Newton Public Library.
9. What does your dream library look like? Spacious, modern, clean, and busy.
10. Talk about other stuff you like (movies, TV, music, games, etc.) I like Doctor Who – I grew up on it, so I like the older stuff, but I’ve seen some of the new stuff as well. I like travel, learning. I used to enjoy video games, strategy games, and board games, but I don’t have much time for that now.